One Woman’s Pancake Rampage Is A Fitting Lesson In Deplorable Restaurant Etiquette

Shutterstock / Oak Lawn Police Department

A too-good-to-be-true pancake deal turned out to be exactly that, at least where a Chicagoan was concerned. Natasha West visited a local Denny’s (on November 6) under the impression that purchasing one $4 all-you-can-eat pancake fest could legitimately feed a whole table. West proceeded to divvy up her super-meal with a table full of friends like nothing was amiss.

Why? Because all the crazy sh*t goes down at Denny’s, that’s why.

A server approached the table to inform West that she could not continue to share her food without purchasing additional meals. As you can imagine, West did not react well to this news. West argued with the waitress. When that tactic failed to bring the desired result, West repeatedly attempted to punch the waitress, but her aim was off (all those pancakes, yo). One of West’s friends had the foresight to stop their pancake enthusiast, and the entire table “dined and dashed.” On the way out, West kicked a door for good measure.

Naturally, police were called, and West was located a short distance away with her friends in tow. Police hauled the group back to Denny’s where a manager identified West. Someone in the group handed over $4, but West was nonetheless arrested and charged with assault and property damage. In addition, another member of the group, Jerome Ivory, was “busted for providing police with false identification.”

All of this fuss occurred over pancakes that aren’t even that tasty. Yet another case for IHOP’s superiority has been made.

(Via The Chicago Tribune & The Smoking Gun)