Watch A Woman Sledgehammer The Heck Out Of A Salon Over A Bad Haircut

Every woman knows the specific pain of a bad haircut. Just ask anyone who was gullible enough to ask for “The Rachel” (which not even Jennifer Aniston enjoyed) in the 1990s. It’s a frustrating experience to plunk down money, only to shudder upon glancing in the mirror. Even worse, many bad haircuts don’t make their presence known until the next day. Stylists are very good at disguising an unflattering ‘do until clients take matters into their own blowdryers.

According to the Daily Mirror, this woman burst into a southeast Asia salon in casual gear. Bent upon symbolizing the destruction upon her own head, the woman wielded a sledgehammer throughout the establishment. Staff begged her to stop, but the woman showed no mercy. The salon would feel the fury of a thousand jilted hairs by the time the camera stopped rolling.

Luckily, no one got hurt in this incident, and this sh*t will grow back soon enough.

(Via Daily Mirror)