Louis C.K. Leads The Charge Asking TMZ To Take Down The Tracy Morgan Crash Video

Tracy Morgan, Ardie Fuqua, and Jeffrey Millea remain in critical condition (albeit improving) after a fatal six-vehicle crash which killed comedian Jimmy Mack.

TMZ — ever the bastion of good taste and human decency — posted a bystander’s video of an unconscious Ardie Fuqua being pulled from the wreckage. Fuqua’s 19-year-old daughter, Krizya, was understandably upset that the video was being publicly broadcast on an entertainment website. She posted a request for TMZ to take down the video, pleading “No one should see my father this way.”

Late last night, Louis C.K. — who worked with Ardie Fuqua in the first season of Louie — tweeted Krizya’s request and added his own:

Shortly afterward, other entertainers, including Judd Apatow and Neal Brennan, joined in requesting the video be taken down. Our favorite comment came from Dax Shepard, who put TMZ on blast while also making us type the phrase “our favorite comment came from Dax Shepard”. Quite the accomplishment.

Seriously though, take that sh*t down, TMZ. Jimmy Mack died. Snuff films don’t become kosher just because celebrities are involved.

Via Vulture, Laughspin, and Variety