‘Wolverine 3’ Potential Subtitle And Character Description Hint At X-23

To briefly recap, Hugh Jackman is currently on the set of Wolverine 3 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and the rated R film seems to be following the Old Man Logan plotline as hinted at by Jackman. The X-Men: Apocalypse post-credits scene about Essex Corp getting some of Wolverine’s blood fit with rumors of X-23 showing up in Wolverine 3, and the main villain played by Boyd Holbrook could be working for Essex Corp (leading the Reavers?) while Richard E. Grant could be playing Nathaniel Essex (Mr. Sinister).

Additionally, Fox has reportedly registered two titles for the movie so far: Wolverine: Weapon X and Weapon X.

Now some set photos show Jackman with a little girl whom some are speculating is Laura Kinney (X-23). I’m doubtful they’d cast someone that young as X-23, but a character description for a cast member called “Zoe” sounds an awful lot like X-23, and Fox was looking for someone to play a kid between 12 to 15 years old.

“That Hashtag Show” received the character breakdown from a source who previously correctly revealed the actor cast as Iron Fist. They talk about “Zoe” in the video below, or you can skip ahead to the blockquote of the relevant info.

12 to 15 year-old girl. Still a child, but a wounded badass, a pound puppy, raised in captivity in a time of battle, without support systems of normal childhood. She has no family and until now, has never left the compound in which she was born. She has an authentic intensity — her expressions and body language speak volumes, without words. Once released in the outside world, everything is new — every experience and every image a first. This does not mean everything is wonderful or wondrous. Some things she sees (things we might regard as conventional) may scare her or anger her and things we may find interesting may bore her. She has not been instructed in many social conventions — she can eat like an animal. She studies and often mimics people’s behavior. She has a high IQ, but is also a temperamental, impulsive and feral creature that can raise genuine mayhem. She is a girl that has never been kissed. Looking for a real girl — not made up or done up. Also with genuine edge, not made up or put on. Martial arts or gymnastics experience preferred but not necessary — but actress must be extremely physical and able to improvise scenes without necessarily resorting to speech. Do not play it “cute”.

So, yeah, that certainly sounds like X-23, but I don’t think the kid in the recent set photos is playing this character. Maybe the character breakdown will amount to nothing but a big ol’ red herring, in which case, please accept this GIF of a fancy bird and our sincerest apologies.

That’s quite a groovy mutation.

(Via CBM, Just Jared, and @XMenFilms)