Watch Surfer John John Florence Score A Perfect 10 At The Oakley Pro Bali

It has been quite some time since I have had to break down some footage of a professional surfing competition and explain how the scoring works, so I’m going to give it the old college try here. The purpose of any surfing competition is, first and foremost, to watch out for the people who are on innertubes. If the surfer runs into one of them, it’s all over. Also, you need to make sure that you stay ahead of the wave tunnel or else you’re going to wipeout. Basically, stay on the board and make it to the end and you’ll get a high score.

I assume that John John Florence was able to avoid both the innertubes and the giant tunnel en route to a perfect score in the first round of the Oakley Pro Bali event last week. Now, I’m not sure why he wasn’t wearing a tiki mask or dressed like a cat in a tuxedo, but I assume that the rules may have changed over the years. I also don’t know how he finished in the street skateboarding competition, but I hope he was able to void the giant holes in the concrete.

The city really should put some money into infrastructure.

(GIF via)