J.J. Abrams Sold His 853th Show

Since Lost premiered in 2004, J.J. Abrams has either produced or created EIGHT SHOWS that have made it to air, including the much beloved Fringe, the much forgotten What About Brian and Six Degrees, and the much something in-between Undercovers. (And that’s to say nothing of his two pre-Lost shows, Felicity and Alias.) But he hasn’t done a straight-up sitcom…until…wait for the ridiculous twist…NOW.

In a competitive situation, the Lost producer has garnered a put-pilot commitment from Fox for his single-camera half-hour, Adulting. The project is based on blogger-turned-author Kelly Williams Brown’s upcoming book, Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 387 Easy(ish) Steps, which is billed as a hilarious guide to all the things that young adults think they should know already — but don’t. Among the steps on Brown’s companion blog: “Do Not Act Like an Asshole Anonymously” and “Facebook Is Not a Good Place to Say Serious Things.” (Via)

Oh boy, I hope there’s a chapter on not having conversations with Twitter bots. Unless the bot turns out to be a giant praying mantis from the future named Szzylk whose seemingly nonsensical tweets turn to be cryptic messages warning us of what’s to come. IF ONLY WE HAD LISTENED. The reveal: it’s not actually a praying mantis named Szzylk — it’s seven little people in a green trench coat pretending to be a mantis. Hilarity.

The best part of Felicity.

(Via Hollywood Reporter)