Let’s Liveblog Wednesday’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Rocks The Suburbs

Last week on Arrow, Felicity nuked a small New England fishing village, and felt really bad about it, even though all we lost was probably, like, five tourists and eight antique shops. But they prevented Damien Darhk’s master plan, so now they just need to try and find Thea. Simple, right? Not so much!

Mostly this promises to be entertaining just because we rarely see Ollie and Diggle rocking the suburbs, let alone suburbs full of stormtroopers. Especially in broad daylight, it promises to be a nice change of pace from the back alleys of Vancouver. That said, you do have to wonder how they’re getting out of this one, or for that matter how they get that far underwater. Is there an Arrowsub we don’t know about?

We’ll also be curious to see if this crosses over with The Flash at all, as Laurel barely had dirt on her grave before being brought back as “Black Siren” over on Arrow‘s sister show. Of course, this is evil (i.e. fun) Laurel, not angry self-righteous Laurel, but she might not be fully over being stranded on an Earth without the cool Art Deco stuff and the constant golden light everywhere. We’ll find out tonight at 8 p.m. EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?