Trevor Noah Ravages Donald Trump For Suggesting That President Obama Is A Secret ISIS Agent

Since it’s Donald Trump’s 70th birthday, most of our favorite late night hosts are taking a moment to give him more television time by highlighting his bat-sh*t speeches. At this point in the election, most of what each candidate is saying is just noise — unless we’re talking Bernie Sanders who is saying things, but long ago had his mic cut off. With the Orlando shootings, Trump and Clinton had a perfect chance to make statements that would stand out more than the typical “delete you account” bull that’s been spewed for weeks now.

Instead, we got a fairly run of the mill answer from Clinton and one of the more outrageous Trump claims of the election. First came his self-congratulatory tweets in the wake of the Orlando shooting, which then led to a speech where he seemed to claim President Obama was some sort of secret member of ISIS or was turning his gaze elsewhere while ISIS marched up Mount Doom to blow up whatever shrines they could find. It’s up to the people to figure out Trump’s meaning here, but Trevor Noah takes it to mean the first bit.

The best part of this happens right at the start with the anti-Muslim group in India feeding a Trump cutout a piece of cake. If it we weren’t at peak craziness for this election yet, we’ve hit it now. Also they called him King of the United States. Wait for that to become a reality.

(Via The Daily Show)