Remember How The NFL Hired Marisa Miller To Be Its Spokesperson?

Last month, the NFL announced that it had hired model and Greek goddess of drooling, Marisa Miller, to be its new spokesperson. And we asked, “For what?” To which the NFL people replied, “Whatever the hell we feel like. Do we really need a reason to send Marisa Miller places and have her promote our product?” In summary, it was probably the smartest marketing idea in the history of everything. Miller’s first big gig was looking incredibly attractive during the Chicago Bears victory over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in London, and it worked because now London wants a NFL franchise full-time. Start packing, Bills.

Apparently it’s time for Step 2 in the Miller Initiative, as the NFL recently recorded a video of the model promoting all sorts of team gear in a photoshoot. And it worked, because I now own season tickets for 31 teams. Damn you, Green Bay Packers and your 85-year waiting list.

(Via Popoholic)