Let’s Talk This Week’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Tries To Save His City

Last week on Arrow, we met the Human Target, saw Prometheus wipe out Tobias Church, and generally learned that Ollie has his work cut out for him if he wants to avoid failing this city. And tonight we’ll apparently learn a little bit more about this dark archer, whom it seems has a more righteous cause than we might expect.

It turns out that Prometheus seems to have some sort of interest in Ollie’s past with the Bratva, which was leaked to the standard evil reporter who is out to ruin Ollie’s political career in the last episode, which remains an exceptionally strange plotline. Granted, any bloc of voters would want to know if their mayor had ties to the Russian mob, but does it really matter, at this point? Is Ollie secretly paying this woman just to give Thea something to do?

Anyway, it appears Ollie’s new trainees will also learn about his past, and Ollie will have to explain the difference to them between actually being part of an organization and going under deep cover to try and assassinate Dolph Lundgren. Or he’ll just punch them until they stop asking questions. Really, either works as a teambuilding exercise. We’ll find out tonight at 8pm EST on the CW. Join us, won’t you?