JR Smith Thinks Charles Barkley Is Just Jealous Of LeBron James

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The feud between Charles Barkley and LeBron James has become one of the NBA’s biggest stories because it’s the rare time when a current player has really fired back at the criticisms of a former NBA legend.

James went after Barkley as both a player and a person in his response to Barkley’s latest critique, and that turned this into a major story. James’ friend and former teammate Dwyane Wade weighed in on the beef, saying he was glad LeBron finally stood up for himself after years of what Wade, and clearly James, feel has been unfair criticism from ex-players.

The latest player to chime in on the back-and-forth is James’ current teammate JR Smith, who was answering questions from fans on Twitter on Thursday morning when someone asked him about Barkley’s comments. Smith got to his point quickly and directly.

Smith clearly thinks the issue with Barkley is that he’s jealous, and he’s probably not totally wrong. Many former players seem to get hurt when current players garner praise while they seem to be forgotten.

We don’t know if that’s what’s happening with Barkley, but it’s not a bad guess from Smith.

The LeBron-Barkley comment wasn’t even Smith’s best comment of the Twitter question and answer session, as his answer to who he wants to dunk on was hilarious.

What a legend. Not only did Smith reveal he wants to dunk on his own mother, but he also debunked one of the greatest NBA myths. The HennyGawd, as he’s become affectionately known as, doesn’t and hasn’t ever consumed Hennessy and everything you thought you knew is a lie.

Hopefully we’ll see Smith back on the court – alter ego and all – sooner rather than later.