Seth Meyers Shreds His Original Script Before Shredding Trump’s ‘Batsh*t Crazy’ Press Conference

As anybody who was watching, following along on Twitter, or reading about after the fact knows, Donald Trump’s first presidential press conference did not go as well as he might have hoped. The level of “not good” that it actually was may vary by the viewer but few people would say that it was a roaring success of an event. At points, President Trump rambled, went off topic, and cited false facts and incorrect information multiple times while the press attempted to get a straight answer out of him. More often than not, their questions were not rewarded with complete or accurate answers.

For Seth Meyer’s latest “A Closer Look,” Trump’s press conference took center stage — and it wasn’t always going to be that way. Seth, as well as one of the show’s writers on Twitter, shared that the team already had a rock solid segment ready to go for Thursday’s show, and they were set to tape at 6:30 pm ET. Of course, Trump’s shenanigans at lunchtime completely derailed that and they completely rewrote their work. Which Seth proved by shredding the script that they had worked so hard on. As Seth put it, today’s event “can only be described as a bats*it crazy press conference” and he proceeded to tear it apart from the top.

To start, Seth reminded everybody of all the craziness that has gone on in just the last few weeks like General Flynn’s communications with Russia as well as Trump and his team realizing just how hard it is to run a country. There are all the usual joking comments that we’ve come to expect from Seth, but on top of those, there is also a near breakdown about the 2020 campaign apparently starting again as soon as Friday (according to Trump). If nothing else, that moment alone is worth the watch. We all might start “ranting and raving” just like the president if this doesn’t stop soon.