Father John Misty Already Wrote A Song About Trump Firing FBI Director James Comey


President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey yesterday and it’s been kind of a mess. From the sloppy way it was handled (Comey found out he was canned via the press) to the fallout that only comes as a surprise to Trump, there’s no doubt that this was another big bungle in a presidency that’s already full of them. And who better to comment on that overwhelming slapdashery of it all than the man who just spent an entire album critiquing the grossness of mankind? Father John Misty improvised a song about the firing on Twitter and it’s just as gloriously slack and free of thought as the motions of the most powerful man on the planet.

Over a piano dirge, FJM mistakenly says that Comey was fired from the CIA — probably another Taylor Swift-Oculus Rift moment once he freestyled “the month of May” — and sang about Hilary Clinton’s emails and John Podesta’s risotto recipe while scarfing down a slice of pizza. Check it out up top.

For more of what’s on Misty’s mind, check out his in-depth talk with our own Steven Hyden on the Celebration Rock podcast. In their chat — which spawned from a DM on Twitter — Hyden and Misty discuss mass media, video games and what comes after Pure Comedy.