Fifth Harmony’s Lauren Jauregui Tells Donald Trump ‘You Disgust Me’ After His Decision To Repeal DACA

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Donald Trump announced his decision to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on Sunday, putting thousands of immigrants to the US in danger of deportation, despite the fact that they were children when their parents brought them into the country and they would have had no say in the decision. Needless to say, many people are unhappy with the decision, including big name celebrities like Lauren Jauregui of Fifth Harmony, who took to Twitter to lay into the current commander-in-chief with an acidly-worded missive expressing her displeasure with the president and his cronies.

“It’s incredible to me that you’ll pardon a man who is known for running his prison as a Latino concentration camp and call him a patriot, but then deport kids with a dream to be successful citizens with safe lives,” she wrote, “You disgust me. You and your squad of Republican elite/cowards are truly sick humans.”

Trump ended DACA in the face of political pressure from both sides of the aisle, with House speaker Paul Ryan even imploring the president to reconsider. Jauregui is herself the product of immigrants; her parents came to the US from Cuba when Castro came to power. She was born in the US, but clearly understands what it means to be a “dreamer,” and what it would mean to have that dream snatched away by the end of DACA.