Torres Take A Terrifying Trip Through The Forest In Her ‘Helen In The Woods’ Video

So far, Torres has teamed up with director Ashley Connor on two visually powerful videos, for “Skim” and “Three Futures,” both from her upcoming album Three Futures. The first two clips took place in the same retro-styled house and tackled themes of intimacy and sexuality, but in the new video for “Helen In The Woods,” Torres leaves the house, and it gets pretty scary.

While the previous two videos gave scenes room to breathe, that seems to be far from the intent this time around. The camera cuts quickly between mostly unstable and unsettling shots of Torres cruising through the woods, in poorly lit rooms, through distorted lenses, and other visual techniques that create a strong sense of unease. The song itself has a Nine Inch Nails-like dark and tense energy, and the lyrics paint a creepy portrait of a sinister character:

“You come home from school to find her naked in your bed / Everybody always said Helen’s funny in the head / Threw her class ring to the voices in the trees / Keep an eye out good, ’cause Helen’s in the woods.”

Watch the “Helen In The Woods” video above, and find the Three Futures tracklist below.

1. “Tongue Slap Your Brains Out”
2. “Skim”
3. “Three Futures”
4. “Righteous Woman”
5. “Greener Stretch”
6. “Helen In The Woods”
7. “Bad Baby Pie”
8. “Marble Focus”
9. “Concrete Ganesha”
10. “To Be Given A Body”