Taylor Swift Is Completely Invisible In Her Goofy Music Video For ‘Delicate’

Taylor Swift premiered the goofy video for her new single “Delicate” at the iHeartRadio Music Awards Sunday night, where she won Female Artist of the Year. It’s just under four minutes of Swift dancing and answering the question: What would you do if you were invisible?

For Swift, it’s mostly getting up really close to people’s faces, which begs the question: Is an invisible person’s breath clear of detection?

The video also shows the juxtaposition of a life out of the constant bright lights that Swift endures. At 28 years old, she’s been a superstar for most of her adult life, and the video shows that she possibly just wants to be invisible, not noticed, and able to be herself (shaking it off), which is someone who supposedly likes making goofy faces into the mirror like most normal people.

In what’s described as one of the most intimate tracks off last year’s blockbuster Reputation, the video’s director Joseph Kahn explained some of the themes to E!:

“It’s going to be unexpected and it’s going to be grand. I can’t get into too much detail. The need is love and the expression of it. And it’s not about flowers. People have been sending me ideas, and generally it’s like flowers or pink dresses or blue skies … I think I have a plan here to address that, but it’s completely unexpected.”

Throughout the video, you can see some of Los Angeles’ most famous landmarks, from the Millennium Biltmore Hotel to the Los Angeles Theater and that lovely subway system.

(Via People/E!)