Gene Simmons Was A Massive Tool To Eric Stonestreet’s Mom

Gene Simmons is no one’s idea of a good guy. He’s a shameless huckster, everything shameless about the music industry personified in a bitter gargoyle with a Napoleon complex (Destroyer is still a great album, though!). But even the most strident Simmons haters can’t believe he’s now bullying MOMS, in this case, Eric Stonestreet’s. Here’s what the Modern Family star wrote on Instagram:

The most unlikely of feuds extended to Twitter:

“I HAVE A MOTHER.” That is the most Gene Simmons response possible — also be sure to note that nowhere does he apologize. He instead deflects the blame, calling Eric’s mom a liar.

So wait, was she making it up and they’ve kissed and made up, or is he being sarcastic? I’m so confused. Screw this, I’m going to listen to “Love Gun.”