‘Ant-Man’ Has A Teaser For Its Trailer That’s Actually Worth Watching

We’re not going to spoil the gag. Just watch the video above and you’ll see what we mean, or we guess you could wait for the whole thing during Agent Carter‘s premiere next week (Tuesday, January 6th at 8pm EST).

OK, so, this is incredibly tiny. And Marvel actually laid a blur filter over it so you can’t zoom in on the teeny images, which we know because that was, like, the first thing we did. But there are still a few things we can conclude, teeeeeeeny little images or no.

The thing that stands out the most is that we definitely see a few Pym particles in a brief clip, and there’s a blonde woman who ties into the plot. Said blonde may very well be Cassie Lang, the sick daughter Scott Lang took to crime to get medicine for, or possibly Janet Van Dyne. Also of interest is that we don’t appear to see any shrinkage in this little teaser.

That said, this trend of Disney trying to make us watch other stuff to see the stuff we want that will just be posted to the Internet in a microsecond anyway is really annoying. I don’t care how many Avengers you put into it or how many variant covers you force Marvel to publish, Disney, I’m not watching college football. At least Agent Carter makes sense as a tie-in: Who wants the Punisher rooting for their team? Aside from the Raiders?