Caleborate Shows Growth On His ‘1993’ Project, By Reflecting On The Past

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Some rappers push through to bigger and better things by making music about the lifestyle they’re working towards. While rapping about things you don’t have might seem strange, that motivation has worked for many of your favorite MCs. Caleborate is going the opposite route with his new project, 1993.

Instead of gloating about all the things he’s hypothetically going to have in the future, the Berkeley, CA resident uses this follow-up to his critically acclaimed Hella Good project from last year to speak on how’s he just grateful to be here. On stand-outs like “Thank You” and “Gettin By,” Caleb comes across like someone who’s honest with himself and everyone around him, for better or worse. That personable approach lines the entire album, complimenting the cool production with easy to digest lyrics that make every song easy to vibe with – especially if you’re a humble person with goals.

One of the most meaningful tracks on the album is “For Sallie Mae,” where the outspoken MC questions damn near everything in his life, specifically how he simply couldn’t balance school and his passions anymore. The glitchy delivery on the stirring track makes sense, considering the constant mental juggling the wavering concept reflects on. That transparent POV of his muddied past is a microcosm of this whole album and worth the price of entry alone.

Anyone looking for a rapper they can relate to should check out Caleborate’s 1993 project below.

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