Watch A News Reporter’s Phife Dawg Tribute

Mic drop! WSB-TVs Mark Arum and Fred Blankenship paid tribute to the late A Tribe Called Quest rapper Phife Dawg this morning by brilliantly inserting lyrics into the traffic report.

While people are paying tribute to Phife Dawg by posting online photos, videos and memories, one reporter had a unique way to pay respect in mind. Mark Arum decided to include various lines from Phife Dawg’s career in today’s traffic report for ATL. Check out the tribute above.

I am stunned. And shook. Most times I have to do a mic check I quote my man Phife: "Microphone Check, 1,2, what is this? The five-foot assassin with the roughneck business!" #RIPPhifeDawg

Posted by Mark Arum WSB on Wednesday, March 23, 2016