Young Thug’s Mom Made Him Apologize To Airport Workers For His Ugly Comments

Young Thug’s mom is to thank for today’s reminder that you’re never to old to get put in check by your parents.

The rapper apparently learned this lesson after his mother, “Mama Duck” as he calls her, made him apologize to the airport workers into an ugly, name-calling incident last week. On Tuesday, Thug posted a pic on Instagram that included the caption “When your mama make u go to the airport and apologize ?? sorry love ones….”

The update comes in response to an encounter between the rapper and two airport workers in Seattle. Thug initially posted a video that showed him embroiled in an argument with the women over a flight-related issue and reacted by calling them “nappy-headed peasants” who “looked African.” At first, he tried to laugh the incident off and later said his remarks were made out of frustration. But social media users weren’t having it and ended up sending scathing reactions Thug’s way.

Surely, those responses made an impact but nothing beats having your parents scold you for your bad behavior, no matter how old you are. I have a borrowed saying that I’ve drilled into my kids’ heads by repeating it almost daily: “Remember who you are and whose you are.” It sounds like Thug’s mom applied similar logic and reminded him that he represents not just himself but his immediate family and other “loved ones.” No matter how wealthy a person gets, they shouldn’t forget where they came from and people who grew up in poverty, as Thug says was the case for him, probably shouldn’t run around calling others “peasants.”

He didn’t specify when or where the apology took place or what was said, but he didn’t really have to either. If his mom told him to do it, let’s just assume he followed her orders and learned his lesson in the process.