Sharon Van Etten And Norah Jones Pair Up For An Intimate New Version Of ‘Seventeen’

Sharon Van Etten has teamed up with Amazon Music for a new mini documentary called Departure, which shows her last days living in New York City. On the final day, she recorded a new version of her song “Seventeen” with Norah Jones, and now that recording has been shared.

The two teamed up for the new rendition shortly after they partnered to play the song live at Van Etten’s Webster Hall performance on May 4. While the original recording is a big epic track, this new version instead takes a slightly more intimate route. That’s not to say, though, that both singers don’t deliver powerhouse performances, because they certainly do.

Jones said of collaborating with Van Etten, “I’m a fan of Sharon as a person and an artist, so I was more than excited to finally get to sing together. I loved her idea to do the song in a different way. It felt really great to be in the studio together, I hope we get to sing more. Singing with her and watching her at the show was breathtaking, she’s a true rock star.”

Van Etten also told Rolling Stone about working with Jones, “I thought of all the people that represented the big change in my life over the last few years, and Norah was someone that I grew up admiring. She’s just so easy to be around. I think it can be really stressful in the studio when you have time constraints, everyone’s squeezing it in. But she didn’t make me feel like that. She made it feel like she appreciated being asked to be a part of it.”

Watch Departure above, and listen to Van Etten and Jones’ new version of “Seventeen” here. Also read our interview with Van Etten here.