Your Music Choices Might Affect How Your Beer Tastes

beer music

The synesthesia is real, people. A new Belgian study says that the music you listen to while drinking beer may have an effect on the way that beer tastes. Before you know it, your favorite craft beers will probably play a little ditty when you pop the cap off, like those pain in the ass birthday cards.

The study consisted of three experiments in which participants tasted a beer twice and rated the experience, each time, under the influence of a different sound stimulus. Participants didn’t know they were tasting the same beer. The study found that overall, soundtracks influenced the participants’ rating of the beers’ taste and strength. Researches pointed out that results could not be explained simply in terms of order (like which came first and which came second), even though beer clearly tastes better when you’re a few in.

According to researchers, “Disney-style” music caused people to rate their beer as “sweeter,” and deep rumbling bass elicited a bitter response. While the study failed to analyze participants’ responses to beer paired with Nickelback, we will safely assume it was violently disapproving.

Taste in music also influenced participants’ reactions. Researches said, “While listening to the pleasant sweet soundtrack, the participant transfers his or her experience and feelings about the music to the beer that they happen to be tasting,” So Kanye, listening to Kanye was pure bliss.

The study also found that volume is influential. Loud environments have adverse effects on the way people perceive taste and texture of food. Which is projecting and doesn’t really seem fair to the food, but at the same time, it’s food and doesn’t have feelings, probably.

(Via Eater)