The ‘Entourage’ Movie Shot Last-Minute Footage At The Golden Globes Last Night

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The 2015 Golden Globes were notable for a number of reasons, most of which we’ve already covered in exhaustive detail. But before we close the book on them for good, there is at least one more issue we need to bring to your attention, because it raises a very important question.

ISSUE: The upcoming Entourage movie was filming last minute footage at the ceremony, most notably on the Red Carpet before the festivities started.

QUESTION: Is … is Vince’s untitled Mutant Revolutionary DJ from the trailer going to get nominated for a Golden Globe in the movie?

Please God tell me that’s what is happening here. Please tell me the fake movie inside the Entourage movie — which, again, appears to star Vincent Chase as an EDM DJ who injects neon yellow goo into his veins to lead a People’s revolution in the streets against a heavily-armed police force, like Che Guevara crossed with Skrillex crossed with Bane — gets nominated for a Golden Globe in the film. Please tell me Vince gets nominated for Best Actor. Please tell me he wins. Nothing in the entire world would make me happier, except maybe if Mutant Revolutionary DJ was a real movie I could go see in IMAX this summer.