A Woman Was Arrested For Allegedly Masturbating While In Handcuffs During ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’

An unidentified woman in Mexico has been arrested for allegedly masturbating in a movie theater during a screening of Fifty Shades of Grey. She was sitting in the 12th row and was said to be wearing handcuffs. There’s no word yet on if the woman was aware that pornography exists and that it is shockingly easy to access in the comfort of one’s home where people are more free to go to town on themselves.

This public masturbation incident is the latest swat to the taut ass of Fifty Shades of Grey‘s increasingly naughty reputation. Previously, a group of teenagers rushed a theater after being denied admission, and there was an alleged stabbing… (or “steely penetration”) at a theater in Scotland. While these incidents are unfortunate and shocking, they are also extremely rare. In fact, this is the first masturbation-related arrest that is connected to Fifty Shades of Grey, and believe me, I’ve been searching. Got a Google Alert, I’ve been pulling all-nighters. Trust me, this is the first and probably the last cinema masturbation frenzy article you’ll read… at least until The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel comes out.

(Source: La Verdad via Movie Pilot)