Emily Blunt Nixed A Nude Scene In ‘Sicario’

"Sicario" UK Premiere - Red Carpet Arrivals
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The wonderfully outspoken Emily Blunt, who recently provoked the ire of Fox News after making a joke about being an American citizen, which is the most American thing of all, is on the campaign trail discussing her new movie, Sicario. Even if you’re worried about sounding like an idiot while buying a ticket because you can’t pronounce the title (it means “hitman” in Spanish), go see it, because it’s a quality film. As our own Vince Mancini astutely put it, “Sicario is so good at building suspense that it almost doesn’t matter that it tends to get kind of stupid whenever the suspense is broken.”

That’s more of a compliment than it sounds, and the directing (from Denis Villeneuve, who also did Prisoners) and acting is top-notch. Josh Brolin is on quite the roll with this film and Inherent Vice, Benicio del Toro is quietly mysterious, and Emily Blunt, well, Emily Blunt should be in everything. And be allowed to make her own calls, like she did in Sicario with a nude scene.

“[A nude scene] was in there originally but it came out because we didn’t agree with it,” Blunt said in an interview with Howard Stern. When Stern pressed the actress on who she meant by “we,” Blunt responded, “My tits.”

“Benicio [Del Toro] backed me up,” Blunt continued. “It was a scene between he and I.” (Via The Wrap)

Her pleasure pillows are for Jim Halpert, and Jim Halpert alone.

(Okay, and maybe Anna Kendrick.)

(Via The Wrap)