Emma Watson Posts Feminist Alan Rickman Quote, Internet Freaks Out

The tributes from Harry Potter co-stars are pouring in today after news of Alan Rickman’s death broke Thursday. One of them, from Emma Watson, is causing controversy because of its reference to feminism.

Watson, who founded the HeForShe campaign to get men interested in feminism, re-posted the above quote from ATTN as a tribute to Rickman. It says, “There is nothing wrong with a man being a feminist, I think it is to our mutual advantage.” This has somehow caused an argument in Watson’s mentions about whether she is exploiting Rickman to promote a feminist ideology.

For example:



Related: Remembering Alan Rickman Through His Greatest Roles

Mic has compiled more negative responses.

A lot of other Twitter users have come to Watson’s defense, though.

People mourn loved ones in different ways. It seems like Emma Watson is paying tribute to Rickman by highlighting something good about him that she really connects to. What’s wrong with that?

If quotes about feminism aren’t your speed, though, she also celebrated Rickman in a more standard way on Facebook:

Now let’s get back to focusing on Rickman’s legacy, instead of getting caught up in the right or wrong way to talk about him.

(via Mic)