Find Out What Thor Was Doing During ‘Civil War’ In This Hilarious Mockumentary

Ever wonder what the hell Thor was up to while his fellow Avengers buddies got their fight on in Captain America: Civil War? Well, he’s here himself to tell you. Hint: he moved to Australia for a little R&R.

In an effort to generate even more interest in the upcoming Blu Ray release of this summer’s smash hit, Marvel released a “home video” in which Thor (Chris Hemsworth, duh) takes viewers through a documentary-style look at his life in the interim between the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron and now. And it’s pretty funny.

See, Thor just wanted to experience “some me time” so he moved in with a regular Aussie dude named Darryl Jacobson. He wanted to be around “average, everyday people.” He’s trying to get involved in the community by speaking to students at a local school, while enlisting Darryl’s help in crafting an “electronic letter” to Captain America and Iron-Man because “there seems to be something very intense going on between them” and he wants to offer his services.

Meanwhile, Thor’s bedroom at Darryl’s house looks like most college dorms, complete with a “Keep Out Darryl” sign on the door and something that looks like meat that he’s “been roasting in the sun for a while and is almost ready.” He’s also got himself a nice, Rust Cohle-style chart on his wall to help him understand what the Infinity Stones are. Because Marvel doesn’t want you to forget that movie is coming. Get it?

Oh and then there’s Bruce Banner. See, he wasn’t there for the Civil War either, having split after the events of Ultron, which means that neither was The Hulk. We all know by now that Mark Ruffalo will be appearing as Banner/Hulk in Thor’s next adventure, Ragnarok, so it makes sense that Banner and Thor are just chilling over a couple coffees. And when Banner wants to know why he keeps waking up in cutoffs even though he never wears them, well, Thor isn’t sure either.

It also appears that he’s not heard back from Cap or Tony Stark after sending that “electronic letter,” so when Banner gets a call from Stark, he wants to jump in on the call. The only problem is, after Banner tells Stark that “no amount of money is gonna get me to join your little pissing contest” and that he should just talk to Thor, Stark just “can’t right now.” Poor Thor.

Is he disappointed? No, he says. He’s just going to start his own team. Team Thor. And it’ll be him and Darryl. That should go well.

(via Marvel Studios)