Get A First Look At LEGO’s Chomp-Tastic ‘Jurassic World’ Theme In This Leaked Image

Man, I was born too early. LEGO has tinkered with doing Jurassic Park stuff in the past, but they’re going all in for Jurassic World. The next LEGO video game will probably be based on Jurassic World and now, thanks to a leaked promotional image, we know the movie will also be the basis of multiple new LEGO building sets.

You can check out the first image of the new Jurassic World Lego theme below…

For those who don’t read French, the image says Jurassic World Lego hits shelves in June, 2015 and that there will be six building sets. For those that can’t comprehend awesome, the image contains a LEGO T-rex, pterodactyl and velociraptors and LEGO BD Wong looks to be holding an amber-encased mosquito.

So yeah, again, I was born too early, although 11-year-old me probably would have died of pure joy at the sight of a Jurassic Park LEGO set, so maybe it’s for the best.

Via Leg Godt