Henry Cavill Compares Playing Superman To Sex

henry cavill superman
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Henry Cavill is on the press tour for The Man From UNCLE, and we’re learning two things about him. First, he’s very introspective and an engaging interview. Secondly, he’s one randy, randy dude.

For example, in the Guardian, he compares playing Superman again and again to getting nasty again and again:

It’s like shagging someone for the first time. Sometimes it turns out to be amazing. Mostly you’re trying to get each other’s rhythm going. It’s on the next go that you start to expand.

He also notes that “When you get your kit off, you’d better look like Superman.” Besides revealing the shocking fact that a single famous actor with a lot of money can get laid a lot, he does actually have some interesting insights into Supes, however, not the least of which is that the Man of Steel is his own worst enemy:

The only thing that can really beat Superman is Superman. His own noggin messing with him. His own moral choices. When you have that to start with, the storytelling can really delve into something rich.

Well, that and Batman’s spiked boot to your face. Batman’s spiked boot as a pretty good track record when it comes to beating Superman. But, hey, at least he’s getting the side benefits Supes doesn’t usually enjoy.

(Via the Guardian)