‘Hot Girls Wanted’: Watch The Trailer For Rashida Jones’ Netflix Documentary About Teen Girls In Amateur Porn

Are you having a nice day today? Is the weather by you pleasant and joyful? I definitely do not suggest watching this trailer for the new Netflix documentary Hot Girls Wanted, a documentary now streaming that explores the lives of teenage girls who aspire to become amateur porn stars. Produced by Rashida Jones, it’s a stark reality to face when you consider how bright-eyed and bushy-tailed they try to be about the whole thing while being exploited and even assaulted. Meanwhile, the “talent agents” come across as filthy men.

I’m totally not trying to be a downer, and I have every confidence in Jones as a filmmaker, and it’s important to be aware that things aren’t always what they seem behind the curtain. But it’s just so… depressing. Save it for a rainy, drinky day, maybe?

(Via TheWrap)