Today’s ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Rumors Include An Obi-Wan Kenobi Spin-Off

The rumor mill about Star Wars: Episode VII and its spin-offs continues to spin madly on. The newest rumors come from a source at Making Star Wars who relays several rumors purportedly from the set. Potential spoilers ahead. Potential inaccuracies ahead. GRRR, blogging.

Making Star Wars‘ source says Luke Skywalker has only been missing for 10 years, not the originally rumored 30 years. The source also says a villain in Star Wars: Episode VII, possibly Adam Driver, is part of the same family line as Count Dooku (played by Christopher Lee in Episodes II and III). They also say, among other things, that Moraband, the Sith homeworld, is in Episode VII. But it was this next rumor which really caught our attention:

“I’ve heard from quite a few people now that an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie is in the works. For the spin-off movies they were initially going to stay away from any Jedi or Sith characters. But I’m hearing now that because of the popularity of Obi-Wan (fans recently voting for him on the official website etc) that an art team is now working with a writer on concepts for an Obi-Wan movie.”

The part about fans voting for Obi-Wan is a reference to the This Is Madness tournament, in which Obi-Wan was voted the top character over Han Solo, Yoda, Boba Fett, and more. Considering Obi-Wan has continuously been present in several forms of Star Wars media for decades, it shouldn’t be surprising he’s a popular character with fans of all ages. We’re only surprised he’s not the focus of any spin-offs already in production.

If the rumor is true, Disney is in very early stages of production. Our guess is they’d set the movie between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. If that’s the case, they could even have Ewan McGregor return, something McGregor himself has expressed an interest in doing. We’d be totally down with him reprising the role and giving us a slightly older, even sassier Obi-Wan:

Via Making Star Wars, Screenrant, and CBM