This Answer From Chris Pratt’s AMA Is Definitive Proof That He And Andy Dwyer Are The Same Person

Chris Pratt participated in a Reddit AMA this afternoon to promote Jurassic World, which is out on June 12. The whole thing is worth a read, but one answer stood out to us in that it unequivocally proves, without a doubt, that Chris Pratt is Andy Dwyer.

A Redditor who goes by Rubberboy claimed that his landlord told him that Chris Pratt previously rented his house in Salt Lake City back when he was filming Everwood, even linking to a photo of the home. Despite occasionally receiving junk mail for a “Chris P. Pratt,” he asked Pratt whether or not this was true, and what room he lived in.

The answer was magical:

Yes I did! Cool man. I had the upstairs. The back bedroom was my beat laboratory and the other room was my bedroom. You’ll notice the baseboards in the kitchen might be all fucked up cause I made a mouse trap out of bungee cords and screws and nails and stuff, with a little trip wire, no joke, there was a lot of thought that went into this, and pot too, and i whacked the mouse good but never killed him but did definitely do a lot of damage to the baseboards. anyhow. I love that place. And i hate mice. you still get mice?

There you have it. Chris Pratt and Andy Dwyer are basically the same person. Here’s me, when I realized it:
