Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Still Has No Love For Apple Music


The advent of being able to purchase music online and then to be able to stream music online has really made the music world a whole lot more accessible to modern day consumers. When Apple introduced their iTunes store it changed the way that people bought music, allowing everyone to avoid buying CDs and then having to rip them onto their computer to listen to songs on the go. Services like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music and Tidal pushed even further by charging monthly subscriptions to access (but not own a license to) music from anywhere. The thing is, most musicians have difficult relationships with these streaming services, especially Apple.

The latest musician to speak out against Apple’s somewhat monopoly on the music world isn’t a new name at all. In fact, it has become a pretty regular thing for Justin Vernon of Bon Iver. His latest rant comes to us from Vulture and is hot off the heels of reports that Apple Music is in “exploratory” talks to buy Jay Z’s musician-friendly Tidal. The rant went down on Twitter and talks about how Apple went from being innovative to stagnant and haven’t done much to fix it.

So no, he isn’t pulling a Prince or a Neil Young and pulling his music from the platform to jump to Tidal exclusively or anything like that, but he does make a good point. Apple’s platform has been a bit of a mess for users and performers for the past few years and there are a few competitors that cost the same and provide the same (if not more) library, but with a better end user experience.

(Via Vulture)