If You Bought Tickets From Ticketmaster In The Past 12 Years, They Owe You A Refund

Somewhere, Eddie Vedder and the other guys in Pearl Jam are smiling, as they’ve been FINALLY vindicated to some degree!

Reports Business Insider:

If you used Ticketmaster’s website to buy tickets between October 21, 1999 and October 19, 2011, you’re in for a windfall.

Because of a proposed class action settlement, Ticketmaster is being forced to credit $1.50 per ticket order (up to 17 orders) to customers due to the fact that they profited off of “processing fees” without declaring as much.

Don’t expect your credits quite yet, though. Credits won’t be issued prior to April 15, 2012, and should come within 30 days after Final Approval of the settlement (currently scheduled for May 29, 2012).

Now if we all could just get some sort of monetary settlement for the pain and suffering we’ve all experienced at the hands of Ticketmaster’s awful security code window, the world would truly be a better place.

Seriously, it’s the worst.