MTV Is Giving Kanye West A Blank Check At The 2016 VMAs

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All Kanye West ever wants is a little bit of freedom. He wants to be able to share his vision and project it in his own creative way. His wish comes true on August 28 when MTV gives him four minutes to do anything his heart pleases at the VMAs. So, what will he actually do?

According to TMZ, nobody knows. Their source close to the production of the show says that ‘Ye has free range to do damn near anything. Pitchfork has also independently confirmed the story. I imagine Kanye looks like a kid in a candy store when they told him that. This just means that for the second year in a row, he’ll be the highlight of the show.

Last year, West received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard award and delivered a memorable speech that went viral and had the whole world talking about it. He said he was running for President in 2020, so could this Sunday mark phrase two of his campaign?

This news will drum up more excitement for the show than usual. Kanye could essentially just show up with a canvas, and throw different colors of paint at it until we all call it a masterpiece. It would be found on every bootleg t-shirt shop online the next day. Frank Ocean would probably buy it using his Apple Music check. Kanye might just read his McDonalds poem and call it night.

Or maybe this is the opportunity for Kanye to show off what he has in the works for Turbo Grafx 16. Unfortunately, it didn’t come out as scheduled this summer (there’s still time but let’s be honest), and we haven’t heard much since the first sessions. What if, and this is a reach, he plays new music at the show on Sunday? All we can do is dream.