Rihanna Talked About Chris Brown And Called Rachel Dolezal ‘A Bit Of A Hero’ In Vanity Fair

Rihanna is on the cover of Vanity Fair next month and – unlike her recent shoot for The Fader – the Bajan princess actually sat down with the magazine for an in-depth interview.

Rihanna covered a wide range of topics, none of which were her new album or a release date. Apparently, RiRi loves true-crime television, doesn’t go for casual sex, and thinks former NAACP chapter president (and full-time fake African-American) Rachel Dolezal to be a bit of a hero.

But first, the question that will dog Rihanna until the day she dies: Whither Chris Brown?

Rihanna first laid into the NFL for pulling her from a Thursday-night segment amid the Ray Rice domestic-abuse controversy.

“I just never understood that, like how the victim gets punished over and over. It’s in the past, and I don’t want to say ‘Get over it,’ because it’s a very serious thing that is still relevant; it’s still real. A lot of women, a lot of young girls, are still going through it. A lot of young boys too. It’s not a subject to sweep under the rug, so I can’t just dismiss it like it wasn’t anything, or I don’t take it seriously. But, for me, and anyone who’s been a victim of domestic abuse, nobody wants to even remember it. Nobody even wants to admit it. So to talk about it and say it once, much less 200 times, is like … I have to be punished for it? It didn’t sit well with me.”

Then, she went into the details of her abusive relationship with Brown and how she feels about him currently.

“I was that girl, that girl who felt that as much pain as this relationship is, maybe some people are built stronger than others. Maybe I’m one of those people built to handle sh*t like this… You want the best for them, but if you remind them of their failures, or if you remind them of bad moments in their life, or even if you say I’m willing to put up with something, they think less of you—because they know you don’t deserve what they’re going to give. And if you put up with it, maybe you are agreeing that you [deserve] this, and that’s when I finally had to say, ‘Uh-oh, I was stupid thinking I was built for this.’ Sometimes you just have to walk away…

I don’t hate him. I will care about him until the day I die. We’re not friends, but it’s not like we’re enemies. We don’t have much of a relationship now.”

For Rihanna’s quotes about Dolezal, and more (plus a slightly NSFW photoshoot from famed photographer Annie Leibovitz), check out the whole story at Vanity Fair.