The Taylor Swift ‘RIP’ Mural Received An Unofficial Kanye West Update

That R.I.P. Taylor Swift (err…Smith) mural by Lushsux just can’t seem to stay up. In the days since the street artist commemorated Swift’s death-by-Snapchat on a wall in Melbourne, the mural has been updated to memorialize Harambe the Gorilla and — because all Swift’s roads lead back to him — Kanye West.

First the mural was updated to celebrate the life of the internet’s favorite dead ape, complete with a reworking of Smith’s face into Primitive Spongebob and an appropriate date change.

Considering most people already forgot about ‘Be, a further update was in order. Another artist changed the inscription to read “In Loving Memory of HaramYe the Savage 2016, Murdered Taylor Swift on Snapchat.” And updated the portrait accordingly.

Note that Lushsux left instructions below the mural that say “No tags, please. Respect the dead.” We feel like his fellow artists are following the letter, if not exactly the spirit, of the rules. Lushsux claims that he was threatened with legal action from Taylor Swift’s team over the mural, but given the way things have been going, it will probably be long gone before they can make a case. Check back next week when the whole wall will be covered in snake emojis.