Big Sean’s Stirring Video For ‘Light’ Puts Police Brutality And Islamophobia In The Spotlight

Big Sean places a world of senseless violence and wanton bigotry on display on his freshly unveiled video for his Jeremih-aided I Decided cut “Light.” As you might expect from a dude that freestyled about killing ISIS and Donald Trump earlier this month, Sean’s promo isn’t afraid to delve into the current cultural climate.

Directed by Lawrence Lamont, “Light” features scenes of police brutality and Islamophobia unfolding with a light shining down before the violence reaches the victim. Big Sean travels by van as an angelic type being that helps people on their journey after they’re enveloped in the harm-blocking light. It’s a bit like a 2017 cousin to the Bone Thugs-N-Harmony clip for “Tha Crossroads,” if you’re watching this video at a certain age.

Big Sean spoke out about what drove him to make this video in an accompanying message on Twitter.

“We shot this video a couple months ago and sucks to see these scenes are still consistently playing out in real life… even down to this week. It’s disheartening sometimes to see that not much has changed when it comes to hate, police brutality [and] just overall people losing their lives too early, But when I wrote this song, it was to reassure myself that no matter what happens, they can’t take away our Soul, our confidence, our ideas, [and] all that makes us shine. This song isn’t a single but is still super important to me, so I paid for a lot of this outta pocket to make sure we got this out. Rest in peace to all those who have lost life due to senseless actions. As I always say, each one of us have the power to make a change, it starts within… the inner Light.”