Mr. Porter Confirms Eminem’s New Album Is Done And Say’s It’s ‘Amazeballs’

Thanks to the wonders of social media fans and artists are closer than ever. And thanks to Instagram’s stories function, fans can get live updates on artists’ latest works directly from the artists — and sometimes their collaborators — themselves. In this case, Denaun Porter, a Detroit rap producer of some note and 1/6 of Eminem‘s D12 crew, was answering questions on IG Live yesterday when one intrepid would-be interviewer asked whether Mr. Porter was working on the Shady Entertainment honcho’s new album. The response: “No.”

While that may have been disappointing for some who were looking forward to seeing the two Detroiters linking back up, Porter immediately dispelled any doubts: “We’re done. How ’bout that?” When another fan questioned when the album is scheduled for release, Mr. Porter shot back, “Don’t you wanna know?” The one thing he would share about the upcoming, as-yet-untitled album? “It is amazeballs!”

Meanwhile, there’s been no word on promotion from Eminem himself, but that’s probably because he’s busy promoting his film Bodied with director Joseph Khan and selling his house (which I’ve heard can be a pretty time-consuming process). According to critics, the film is a thought-provoking exercise in testing the limits of tolerance, as befits a film about a white dude breaking into the world of battle rap. Now where have we heard that before?