Billy Hamilton Stole All The Bases Against The Phillies

Billy Hamilton
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This shouldn’t come as news to you by now, but if it still does, we do feel obligated to tell you that Billy Hamilton is fast. Not, like, DC Comics metahuman fast (although we cannot confirm or deny that theory), but capable-of-doing-completely-ridiculous-things fast. And that’s enough.

The Reds played the Phillies on Monday night and Hamilton did what just about anyone who has ever played a baseball video game has tried to do. He stole second. Then he stole third. And he went ahead and stole home too. All during the same Brandon Phillips at-bat during the second inning. If he could have found a way to steal first, he probably would have done that too.

Hamilton now has 25 stolen bases on the year through 51 games, which averages out to just over 79 over a single season. This sort of thing is commonplace for him. Remember, he did steal second base on a goshdarned pitchout earlier this year.

(Via CBS Sports)