Here’s How Much You’ll Pay For Beer At Every Baseball Stadium

Consuming a live baseball game in the summertime is not complete without an ice cold beer. Around the MLB, different stadiums contain different food items and specials, but beer is a staple. Some teams will pillage your desire for beer to make an extra buck, and some teams won’t (sorry, Red Sox fans). But to see how great the deal at your local ball park is compared to the rest of the league, the folks at Vine Pair put together this fun infographic to illustrate the variance.

More than a century without a World Series title, and Cubs fans are still paying more for beer than any other fan base. Also, the mystique of Fenway Park takes a hit when you consider that you’re paying $7.25 for what’s most likely a shoddy light beer. On the other hand, Diamondback games must be rowdy and fun as hell. Fans can get drunk for a very low price. There’s nothing more American than that.

(Vine Pair)