Chris Pratt Threw Out An Obviously Charming First Pitch For The Chicago Cubs

The cast of Parks and Recreation is reportedly in Chicago to film a few episodes for the final season of NBC’s beloved comedy, so the Chicago Cubs obviously made the best decision in franchise history for last night’s game. Chris Pratt, the man who plays Andy Dwyer and also starred in a little blockbuster called Guardians of the Galaxy, was asked to throw out the first pitch before the Cubbies took on the Milwaukee Brewers, and of course he obliged, because there was a chance that there might have been someone in the Windy City who doesn’t love him more than any other human on Earth. That simply cannot stand.

As for the pitch, well, not everything the guy does can be perfect.

What’s that quote from Major League? Just a tad bit off the plate? Something like that, I’m sure. Pratt doesn’t care, though, because he’s just here to party.

And of course he took selfies with Cubs fans, because Chris Pratt is nothing if not the world’s greatest selfie taker.

Meanwhile, he was rocking that Groot hat, because get it? It’s like that talking tree in Guardians! However, the hat itself is for Groot Industries solid waste management services, which is a very fun fact.

In conclusion, it’s still impossible to dislike this guy, even when he’s wearing a Cubs jersey and not a St. Louis Cardinals jersey. He should at least try wearing the birds and bat, though, so he’ll come off as classier and more intelligent than other celebrities.