Jameis Winston’s Denzel Impression From ‘Remember The Titans’ Isn’t Horrible

Remember The Titans is an all-time great sports movie, I think we can all agree (or at least we should, and if not, COME AT ME). There are a few reasons for that, like Ethan Suplee singing the Temptations, Left Side/Strong Side (chills, every time), Wood Harris in general (I see you, Avon Barksdale!), et cetera, et cetera. But all of that stuff is window dressing for Denzel Washington in one of his finest performances. He had a few great speeches in the movie, but his speech after the Titans’ training camp brawl might be his best:

He is dominant charisma personified. Jameis Winston does a decent job with it — he doesn’t flub any lines, which is impressive — but he brings no fire to it. Where’s the smoldering intensity, Jameis? This isn’t Anchorman you’re quoting. This is DENZEL. You have to come correct.

(Via ACC Digital Network)