Kerri Walsh Jennings Shot Down A Troll Who Tweeted About Beach Volleyball Players’ ‘Side Boob’

Kerri Walsh Jennings
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Kerri Walsh Jennings is a three-time Olympic gold medalist, one of the premiere athletes in her sport, and along with her partner April Ross, have now made it to the semifinal round of the 2016 Beach Volleyball tournament at the Rio Olympics because of plays like this.

Despite all of that, there are apparently some people out there who are much more concerned with what she’s wearing when she plays rather than how she dominates the competition.

Twitter user James Carroll sent this since-deleted tweet about Walsh Jennings’ “side boob,” which is one of the most ignorant comments you’ll read during this year’s Olympics.

Kerri Walsh Jennings Tweet

First off, Walsh Jennings has actually been playing in long sleeves the last several matches. Even when she isn’t, she is a beach volleyball player, meaning she plays on a beach. Why in the world wouldn’t she wear a bikini while playing? If Carroll had watched any beach volleyball at all, he would also know that the tops the female players are wearing are specifically designed to prevent the “side boob” that he is referring to.

Despite the fact that she was prepping for her quarterfinal matchup, Walsh Jennings couldn’t let a comment like that one just slip away, and she made sure to shut him down with a great response.

There will always be someone around to find something to complain about, but the rest of us will continue to enjoy watching Walsh Jennings beast it up on the sand as she stands just two wins away from her fourth Olympic gold medal.