Once Again, Paralympian Josh Sundquist Is Better Than Everyone At Halloween

We last checked in with Paralympic skier Josh Sundquist on Halloween last year, as his annual tradition of being the best at coming up with Halloween costumes went viral, as the kids say, with his incredible lamp costume from A Christmas Story. Sundquist was diagnosed with bone cancer, underwent chemotherapy and lost his leg when he was just 9-years old, but he eventually went on to become the only athlete in history to be named to both the Paralympic Ski Team and the US Amputee Soccer Team, if I can plagiarize myself.

This year’s costume? He’s a flamingo, as you can see above, and I’m not kidding when I say that I feel like a complete jackass for thinking Duffman would be a hilarious costume this year. Then again, I don’t know why any of us even bother when Sundquist is so much better at it.

(H/T to Larry Brown Sports)