And Now, A Girl Breaking Both Of Her Feet Jumping Off A Roof Into A Swimming Pool

Meet Nicole Easton. “Nicky” to her friends. Like a lot of red-blooded American kids, she likes to spend her summers trying to jump from the roof of her house into a swimming pool. And, also like a lot of red-blooded American kids, she does not think the danger involved is serious until she’s ass-down on the cement with a pair of broken feet.

The video isn’t particularly graphic or anything, but yep, a teen jumped off a roof trying to be funny and broke both her feet in the name of SUMMER FUN. Here’s the update, courtesy of Bob’s Blitz:

Just had my ct today, and Wednesday I find out when my surgery is. My doctor is hoping for one foot I’m just hoping to be able to walk before summer is over. Its so hard to see my family wanting to go out and do stuff but can’t cause their Nikki can’t go. I wanna run, kick, swim in my pool… everything is so much harder. I would love to just be able to reach my sink without help… or clean this beautiful house. Ughhh… lesson learned. :( ohhh. And I hate the looks I get. Worst feeling ever. I can’t go anywhere and have someone just look me in the eyes. They always look at my feet. :( so that’s what I want. To do everyday things.

The question a lot of folks on the Internet are asking is, “if you broke both of your feet jumping off your roof, why is your Mom uploading it to YouTube?” And furthermore, “if you upload a video of your daughter jumping off a roof and breaking her feet, (1) where the hell were you when you should’ve been somewhere teaching your daughter not to jump off the f**king roof, and (2) you KNOW people are gonna react to this like every other Fail Video on the Internet, right?” The answer to question one is “shut up,” and the answer to question to is “you are Godless.”

If you’d like to donate to Nicole’s recovery, which I’m assuming goes to creating a lab full of Nicole clones to replace her the next time she dresses up like 60s Batman and jumps off the roof to her death, you can do that here. Her mom is there thanking God that local TV crews have picked up the story and interviewed them, but does not mention God during the “my daughter jumped off a roof” parts.