Ted Cruz Says Tom Brady Was Framed, Blames Deflategate On Hillary Clinton

The New England Patriots’ Deflategate scandal just refuses to die from the news cycle, and even political figures are joining in on the fun. Presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz recently expressed his thoughts on the matter, and thus set up a joke by suggesting that Pats quarterback Tom Brady was framed with the scandal.

Yes, that’s a playful allusion to fellow presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who came under fire earlier this year for deleting emails from her personal account that she used during her tenure as Secretary of State. Cruz humorously suggests that was her way of covering up her framing Brady while speaking at Massachusetts State Representative Jim Lyon’s home last weekend.

“And I will say this: I have it on good authority that Hillary Clinton did it. Why do you think she deleted her emails?”

Clinton’s campaign has apparently declined for comment, which is a good thing because responding to a joke like this would be pointless. Can we stop talking about Deflategate already?

[Source: Business Insider]