Tom Brady Has A Huge Problem With The NFL’s ‘Crazy’ New Number Rule

The NFL changed up its rules on numbers earlier this year. The rule, which impacts everyone outside of quarterbacks and kicker/punters, adds some more flexibility to what players can where when they’re out on the field, and if you missed it when it was announced earlier this year, here are all the ways things are a little bit different now:

The expanded jerseys will allow running backs, tight ends, fullbacks, H-backs and wide receivers to wear numbers 1-49 and 80-89; defensive backs can choose from 1-49; linebackers 1-59 and 90-99; offensive linemen 50-79; and defensive linemen 50-79 and 90-99. QBs, kickers and punters will remain in 1-19.

While it’s not quite on the level of college football defensive linemen wearing single-digit numbers or anything, this is a change, and one that might take some time to get used to. The league’s most prominent player, in fact, has a pretty big issue with the whole thing, something he’s made clear on a few occasions.

Tom Brady, in a recent interview with the Tampa Bay Times, said that he thinks the NFL’s doing something “crazy” by changing its protocols here.

“The number rule is crazy,” Brady said. “Literally, guys changed their numbers today. I’m playing two guys who had different numbers in the preseason. So, yeah you’ve got to watch film and know who you’re studying but so do running backs. They’ve got to know who to block. So does the offensive line. So does the receivers who are adjusting their routes based on blitzes.

“So one guys has got a 6, one guy has 11, one guy has got a 9. And they change every play when you break your routes and get to your spot. It’s going to be a very challenging thing. It’s a good advantage for the defense, which that’s what it is.

“It would be like saying, ‘What if I let the offensive linemen wear 82 and No. 9?’ Brady continued. “They wouldn’t know who was eligible. Well that’s not fair. You’ll get your tail kicked. At least identify who the D-line, the linebackers and the safeties are. You’re going to have a lot of matchups where guys are blocking the wrong guys. I don’t know why that should be.”

Brady went on to make an appearance on a podcast where he took a more accelerationist route with the entire thing.

Gut feeling: Brady can take solace in knowing that is not happening. He will also probably be fine with the new numbers rules after, like, one half of Week 1.

(Via SB Nation)