Disney’s ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Might Be Designated As Too Gay For Russia

The spectacularly dumb (if expected) backlash against over Disney’s first openly gay character has already begun. (“HOW DO I EXPLAIN TO MY KIDS THAT THERE IS A HOMOSEXUAL MAN IN MY SINGING CANDLESTICK MOVIE???” and the like.) An Alabama drive-in has already cancelled plans to screen Beauty and the Beast over director Bill Condon’s acknowledgement that LeFou is gay in the upcoming film. Now, the live-action update is potentially facing a full-on ban in Russia.

According to a report from BBC News, Russian officials are exploring if the film violates the country’s notorious “gay propaganda” law. For context, LeFou is the less muscly sidekick to self-absorbed hunk Gaston. In the 2017 version, Lefou (played by Josh Gad) is still smitten with Luke Evans’ Gaston, but it’s with a sliver more of a romantic touch.

United Russia minister Vitaly Milonov has called upon Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky to investigate Beauty and the Beast over what he’s billed as “shameless propaganda of sin.”

“As soon as we get a copy of the film with relevant paperwork for distribution, we will consider it according to the law,” said Medinsky on the push for a ban.

Medinsky has a limited window if he wants a ruling to be made before the film’s premiere. Beauty and the Beast is slated to debut in Russia on March 16.

(Via BBC News)